Common Questions
“I’m curious about Pathways…”
Where did the name Pathways come from?
The name ‘Pathways’ is a play on words from Psalm 25:4 and a subtle reference to our east TN mountain beginnings. “Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:4-5 (NIV)
What kind of music can I expect?
At Pathways, we believe in celebrating what God has done, and is doing! Therefore our services are upbeat, full of passion and energy. While our services favor a contemporary style of music, we do like to keep a blend of different musical styles. From time to time, a “non-Christian” song will be added in the service that hits on topic with that days message. You can watch a service to get a better idea.
What does Pathways Believe & Teach?
Pathways Church, is a non-denominational, Bible believing, Bible teaching church. We Believe in God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit. Learn More
“I’ve decided to visit…”
Do I Need A Bible?
Our Pastor preaches from the Bible at every service, so having a Bible would allow you to enjoy the service more if you too, had a Bible. Pastor Brent typically preaches from the NIV. However, other translations may be used. Therefore, we suggest you bring a version of the Bible you feel comfortable reading. For anyone looking to purchase a new Bible, Pastor Brent recommends the NIV “Life Application Study Bible”. If you do not have a Bible, don’t worry! Any passages from the Bible will be displayed on the screens, so you can read along.
If you have an electronic device you carry, you may wish to install the Pathways Church App. In it, you will be able to take digital notes, read along Bible passages and find more information about what is happening at Pathways easily. The YouVersion Bible application, is another favorite app among the church staff.
TIP: We recommend if you are planning to use this app to download a translation to your device prior to coming to service at Pathways (this is so you will not need to rely on Wi-Fi, which is not available during services – scripture references are also available in the electronic message notes within the Pathways Church App).
What time is service?
At Pathways, we believe in providing multiple opportunities & locations for people to come to Church. All of our weekly service times are identical so choose a campus and service time that is right for you.
Tip: Give yourself plenty of time to find a parking spot, get the kids checked in to our children’s ministry, and grab a good seat. For this reason, we recommend that you arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the service you wish to attend.
How long is a normal service?
Our services are normally 1-hour in length. We work hard to make this time together as meaningful as possible. You will experience services that are focused and engaging.
Note: We highly recommend that all children 5th grade and under attend our children’s ministry during weekly services. If you choose to bring a child into service that becomes noisy or distracting, we may ask that you continue to watch the service in the cry room or lobby, so others are not distracted.
What should I wear?
Well, what are you wearing? Jeans and a t-shirt are acceptable options for our laid-back environment. At Pathways we are more concerned about your presence with us, than what you are wearing.
What should I do with the kids?
We love your kids and, like you, we want them to have the best experience possible. We believe this experience is with our children’s ministry for 5th grade and younger. There they will have the opportunity to learn God’s Word in a way they can relate to and understand, while have fun doing it! This also frees you up to worship without any distractions.
Note: If you decide to bring small children to worship, we respectfully ask that you use our cry room or lobby seating to view the service, if they become noisy or distracting.
How do I get there?
Pathways Church is proud to be one church, with two locations! Please visit our locations page to choose the nearest campus to you and find directions, maps, service times, and more.
“I want to get more involved…”
Besides the services, do you have other ways to get involved?
Yes! We believe God created us to live in community. There are many ways to get connected with God and others outside of the service times. We encourage everyone get involved in a seasonal “Life Group”, to Serve on a volunteer team, and be engaged in the various ministries of the church. Along with these opportunities, we also have an Online Bible Study to help strengthen your faith and various special community events throughout the year.